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Now-a-days teenagers are very concious about their figure.They want to look smart, handsome, attractive and beautiful. No one wants to look fat
specially girls. Recent fashion among boys and girls is to wear uni-sex dresses and skin fit jeans.A fat person can't wear such dresses.
I have collected TOP 10 tips from all over the internet by which you can lose your fats in a healthy way. My whole tips are easy to adopt and you can lose their weight easily without the use of expensive medicine and hard work exercises.If you follow these tips then you can lose your weight readily.

My TOP 10 tips are bellow:-

Use of Green Tea:-
                                  Green Tea proves very useful in your weight loosing plan.You should take green tea after meal.It helps to dijest food readily and it also melt your body fat.If you use daily green tea then you can lose a high amount of fat of your body and it is easily avilable on stores and markets in a very cheap price.

Use of Water:-
                                 According to a research if you drink two glass water before your meal than you can lose 5-10 pounds easily in a couple of months. Water is a universal solvent. It has many specific properties.This research is done by American scientists.But remember guys water should be tasteless and colourless.You should drink atleast 8 glass water in a day to lose your weight.

Avoid Oliy food:-
                                              It is a Quote that:-

               "Precaution is better than Cure"

All boys and girls it is very to avoid oily food because they give you extra fat for daily work and they store in your body so please avoid oily food.It is also better for your health

Daily exercise:-
                                             Little much excercise is also very useful. I will suggest you to do jogging only. Run atleast 2KM daily or walk on foot.

Use of salad:-
                                 Salad is a very nutrious dish.It contains all the necessary vitamins and ingredients.Make salad a improtant part of your daily diet.It proves very useful in weight lose.

Use of vegetable:-
                                           Use salted vegetables in your food.It will help in melting your fats.
Avoid Sugar:-
                                  Don't be so sweet.You must avoid all types of sweets to gain a smart and attractive body.

Eat on fixed Time:-
                                                    Eat only three times a day.Do npt over load yourself. Leave some space in your stomach for air.Don't eat after little intervals if you eat in all the time then your stomach will never be empty.It needs time to digest food. So don't overload yourself.

If you follow all these 8 Tips then I'm sure you will be counted in smart,attractive,handsome and gorgeous people in your area.

                                      "HOPE THESE TIPS HELPED"