Aakrosh Movie is upcoming bollywood movie with stars like Ajay Devgn, Akshay Khanna, Bipasha Basu, Paresh Rawal, Reema Sen and Amita Pathak. Aakrosh is produced by Kumar Mangat Pathak, directed by Priyadarshan and presented by Zee Motion pictures and Big Screen Entertainer. Aakrosh is a hard-hitting film deals with the subject of honour killing in the state of Bihar. Find Latest Aakrosh Movie Wallpapers, Ajay Devgan & Bipasha Basu Aakrosh Movie Photos, Ajay Devgan Aakrosh Movie Wallpapers, Bipasha Basu Aakrosh Movie Wallpapers, Aakrosh Movie Pictures, Bipasha Basu Aakrosh Movie Images, Ajay Devgan & Bipasha Basu Aakrosh Movie Wallpapers, Pics & Photo Gallery.