Keyboard is one of the most used input device. We All use social networks and several of us like to send sms. Normally a text does not convey the full message unless we add some emotions in it and the perfect way to add emotions in text messages is to add smilies and emoticons. Smilies and Emoticons are graphical representation of various moods but if graphical emotions are not available, it can be expressed using special characters and symbols as well made of special characters such as:
- :) - is a smile icon
- :( - is a sad icon
- :'( - is expression for crying
- :-* - is a kiss icon
- :-x - is icon to express speechless or silence
How to Make Heart Symbol from Keyboard Keys
- Turn Your Num Lock key ON. You can do this by pressing the "Num Lock" key at the top left of the numeric keypad.
- Now, Press ALT key and number 3 (from numeric keypad) at ones. i.e. While holding down the "Alt" key, type 3 on your numeric keypad.
In short, the command is ALT+3 to make a Heart like this ♥